The Foundation & Scholarships
Partner with the North Carolina Airports Association in awarding scholarships to NC resident students attending two-year and four-year colleges and universities with Aviation programs.
Over the past few years the Airports Association presented scholarships to honor Mr. Bruce Matthews, former Assistant Director of the North Carolina Division of Aviation to recognize his distinguished aviation career and dedication to the students of North Carolina State University. Scholarships were awarded to students who had demonstrated interest and/or experience in transportation engineering, airport planning and design.
The Airport Association recently established the North Carolina Airports Association Educational Foundation, Inc., a public charity under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The purpose of the Educational Foundation is to provide scholarships to deserving NC resident students who pursue a post high school curriculum in aviation-airport management. We will accomplish this goal through public support from individuals, corporations and others.
The North Carolina Airports Association is pleased to announce the availability for scholarships for deserving students who either are or plan to enter an aviation-airport management field of study. Interested undergraduate and graduate college students should explore the links below to review the requirements and to complete their application. You will also need to submit an official transcript to: Emily Winberg, Association Business Manager, 592 Isle of Pines Road, Mooresville, NC 28117.
NCAA Education Foundation- Thank you Sponsors
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our incredible NCAA Education Foundation Sponsors for their generous contributions, which will support our scholarship recipients in 2025. If you or your company/airport are interested in being an Educational Foundation donor, visit the link below for more information. OR Click here
Bruce Matthews Scholarship
This NCAA Funded Scholarship is dedicated to Mr. Bruce Matthews. Matthews was a tireless supporter of aviation in North Carolina and the first permanent employee of the NCDOT Division of Aviation. Mr. Matthews is credited with leading the development of the state’s public airport system. His vision for assisting smaller airports with facility upgrades in order to accommodate larger aircraft has lifted North Carolina to new heights in aviation success.
NCAA Educational Foundation Scholarship
The North Carolina Airports Association has recently developed and incorporated The North Carolina Airports Association Educational Foundation, Inc. The Educational Foundation is a 501(c) (3) corporation. The Scholarship program has been expanded to include NC State as well as other Secondary and Technical Schools. The student must be enrolled in a post high school curriculum in aviation, airport management or related fields.
2024 Bruce Matthews Scholarship Recipient
Kazuo Kuchiishi
2024 NCAA Scholarship Recipients
Carson Jewett
Angel – up to $99.00
Bronze – $100.00- $499.00
Silver – $500.00- $999.00
Gold – $1000.00- $4,999.00
Platinum – $5,000.00 and up
Donation receipts will be provided.
Yes, our corporate partners are very important for the continued success of the scholarship program. The corporate donation levels are:
Angel – up to $500.00
Bronze – $501.00 to $1499.00
Silver – $1500.00 to $2499.00
Gold – $2500.00 to $4999.00
Platinum – $5000.00 to $7499.00
Presidential – $7500.00 to $10,000.00
Donation receipts will be provided.

Apply for the NCAA Scholarship
Apply for the Bruce Matthews Scholarship
Typically, the application process opens in the Fall of the year with a deadline for submission of January 31.
Awards are generally announced by mid February with formal recognition taking place at the annual conference. One recipient may be selected for the Bruce Matthews Scholarship and one student may be chosen for a NCAA scholarship award.
The value of the NCAA scholarship is $3000. The value of the Bruce Matthews scholarship is $3000. Scholarships are non-renewable.
The two scholarships have slightly different requirements. The details are available through the following links:
Matthews Scholarship – Details and Eligibility
NCAA Aviation Scholarships – Details and Eligibility