NCAA Committee Assignments & Goals 2024-2025
Much of the work of the North Carolina Airports Association is conducted by the membership serving on the various committees. The table below contains the current list of committees and the members who are currently serving in the committee roles. These appointments are updated annual and as positions change due to personnel moves.
A note from John Coon, President
The committee plan for the upcoming year follows the same successful path established several years ago and maintains significant continuity with the prior year. Below is a slate of committee assignments and recommended goals. The committees are asked to review and revise their goals, if necessary, to reflect the ever changing airport environment.
Conference Committee
- Chair Gage King
Lorin Akins
Bill Hopper
Granseur Dick
Dirk Vanderleest
- Subcommittee: Conference Sponsorship
Karel Van Der Linden
John Coon
Emily Winberg
- Conference student participation Deontae Watson
- Annual goals:
- Plan conference agenda
- Recruit sponsors for the conference
- Recruit speakers & moderators for the conference
- Execute successful conference
Membership Committee
- Chair Bill Hopper
Bob Heuts
Gage King
Granseur Dick
Willie Nelson
Dirk Vanderleest
- Annual goals:
- Review and Recommend Updates to the Membership Structure (Categories/Dues/Bylaws)- evaluate renewal of membership
- Review and Recommend Updates to Member Benefits and Engagement Activities-encourage new member recruitment and encourage continued memberships
- Increases Membership and Airport Representation
Finance Committee
Chair Bob Heuts
John Coon
Gage King
- Annual goals:
- Review monthly financial statements & reconciliations
- Review invoices/bills and provide email approval to pay
- Provide signatory services, as needed (John & Emily)
- Contribute summary of year-end finances for a year-end annual report
Audit Committee
Chair Bill Hopper
Gage King (in preparation for year as president)
Annual goals:
- Annual review of financial statements
- Determine & implement acceptable audit process at end of the year
- Committee to research outside audit firm to perform every other year audit
- Present completed audit to the board
Nominating Committee
Chair Eddie Madden
Dan Danieley
Deontae Watson
Annual goals:
- Determine skills/regions needed for representation on the board
- Solicit, recruit, review and recommend nominations for upcoming year’s board positions
- Committee to develop guideline for nominations to the board for inclusion and diversity
- Bring forth a slate of nominations at the appropriate time
Workshop Planning Committee
Region One: Grandeur Dick (Chair), Willie Nelson, Howie Franklin
Region Two: Deontae Watson (Chair), Lorin Akins, Dan Danieley
Region Three: Dirk Vanderleest (Chair), Stuart Hair, Shoaib Quader
Annual goals:
- Determine dates and locations for region meetings
- Plan meaningful topics for region meetings / recruit speakers (coordinate with business manager, NCDOT and NCAirTAP)
- Create and implement plan to increase participation among the airport membership
Legislative Committee
Co-chair Bill Hopper - State
Co-chair Granseur Dick - Federal
Dan Danieley
Lorin Akins
Bob Heuts
Seth Hatchell
Annual goals:
- Stay informed about state and federal legislative issues that affect or may affect NC airports (GA and commercial service) – each co-chair to report at board meetings
- Report such issues at each board meeting
- Work with business manager to coordinate email updates to the membership for hot topics, if warranted, to promote unified advocacy.
- Develop and implement plan for a legislative day (or a different strategy to collectively advocate) during a time when congress is in session, and communicate to the board and membership.
- Develop a recommendation regarding continuation of NCAA’s participation in use of lobbyist, and give recommendation at the meeting prior to the end of our current contract.
- Develop and Recommend a Legislative Agenda & Strategy
Scholarship/Educational Foundation Committee
— Chair Deontae Watson
Shoaib Quader
Karel Van Der Linden
Eddie Madden
Valerie Steele (non-board member)
Mark Wiebke (non-board member)
Annual goals:
- Plan & implement scholarship fundraisers for the conference:
- Silent Auction
- other
- Work with business manager to solicit applications for scholarships
- Evaluate applications, recommend recipients to the board
- Present scholarships to recipients at annual conference
- Develop news release about recipients (work with strategic development committee)
- To increase exposure of NCAA to NC Aviation Management colleges by promoting attendance and participation of students and instructors at NCAA events
- Review possibility of Co-ops at airports in addition to scholarships
- Review investment of foundation funds
- Review of ByLaws
Handbook Review Committee
- Chair Gage King
Seth Hatchell
Willie Nelson
Tom Zajkowski (NCAirTAP contact) - Annual goals:
- Develop a process to review and update the NCAA Handbook.
- Set a timeline for completion.
- Work with the NCDOT Division of Aviation to update.
Executive Committee
- Chair John Coon
Gage King
Bill Hopper
Bob Heuts
Eddie Madden
- Annual goals:
- Continue to analyze and evolve the way the NCAA tells its story & the positive impacts of airports throughout the year
- News releases – topics & process
- Annual report – on website and at conference
- Work with legislative committee to support communication and advocacy efforts
- Analyze and recommend action for any marketing opportunities that arise.
- In consultation with the Business Manager develop and propose an annual operating budget.
- Recommend enhancements to online communications tools including website, social media etc.
- Develop and recommend any additional strategic development goals for the upcoming year, based upon the organization’s mission to strengthen North Carolina airports through legislative advocacy, professional growth, and by promoting the positive impacts of airports.
- Work with new business manager to ensure association business stays on track in meeting membership needs and overall success of the association.
Evaluate ways to grow and develop in new ways via social media, membership events, overall increase in prices, etc.
- Continue to analyze and evolve the way the NCAA tells its story & the positive impacts of airports throughout the year