We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our incredible NCAA Education Foundation Sponsors for their generous contributions, which will support our scholarship recipients in 2025. If you or your company/airport are interested in being an Educational Foundation donor, visit the link below for more information. https://ncairports.org/ncaa-scholarship-foundation/…
The City of Fayetteville is soliciting qualification statements to engage the services of a qualified firm and/or team to provide professional planning services for an UPDATE of the Airport Layout Plan (ALP) and produce an accompanying Narrative Report for the FAY.
LINK TO RFQ: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.fayettevillenc.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/26815
NEW UPDATES (including RFQs and events) as of 01/03/2025 Please share any news/events going on at your airport/company to share on bi-weekly newsletters.
The NCAA Winter Region Meetings are sneaking up on us quick! Region 2/3 takes place on January 17th (Statesville Civic Center), and Region 1…
The City of Concord is requesting Statements of Interest
from interested parties to lease aeronautical land at Concord-Padgett Regional Airport
in Concord, North Carolina for the purpose of engaging in commercial or non-
commercial aeronautical activities.
The available Southern Parcel of aeronautical land is approximately 20,000 square feet
located south of the General…
The City of Concord Aviation Department is requesting Statements of Qualifications (“SOQ”) from interested and qualified aviation consultants (“Firm”) for the development of an airport master plan update for the Concord-Padgett Regional Airport in accordance with the United States Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Advisory Circular…
NCDOT DOA Director
Interim & Opportunity Information
As many of you know, Becca Gallas, current DOA Director, will be taking on a new challenge with NCDOT. Becca’s new role will be as Division Engineer for NCDOT Division 5. In this role, Becca will be responsible for transportation projects…
NEW UPDATES as of 12/06/24 Please share any news/events going on at your airport/company to share on bi-weekly newsletters.
#FlashbackFriday to one of our annual NCAA conferences at the The Omni Grove Park Inn & Spa ✈️ Don’t forget to register for the 2025 Annual NCAA Conference in…
November is Aviation History Month, a time to reflect on the remarkable advancements in aviation and the pioneers who shaped the industry. While many places contributed to the evolution of flight, North Carolina stands out as a significant hub of aviation history and innovation. The Wright Brothers: The…
Please take a minute to review important reminders and updates from the NCAA! NEW UPDATES as of 11/22/24 Please share any news/events going on at your airport/company to share on bi-weekly newsletters.
Celebrating Aviation History Month: North Carolina’s Pivotal Role in Flight Innovation November is Aviation History Month,…
Please take a minute to review important reminders and updates from the NCAA! NEW UPDATES as of 11/08/24 Please share any news/events going on at your airport/company to share on bi-weekly newsletters.
Register Here
CONFERENCE REGISTRATION OPENED! The 2025 NCAA Annual Conference will be held on the beautiful coast…
Please take a minute to review important reminders and updates from the NCAA! NEW UPDATES as of 10/25/24
CONFERENCE REGISTRATION OPENED! The 2025 NCAA Annual Conference will be held on the beautiful coast of Wilmington, North Carolina at the Wilmington Convention Center on April 8th-10th, 2025. Golf…
The North Carolina Airports Association is pleased to announce the availability for scholarships for deserving students who either are or plan to enter an aviation-airport management field of study. Applications are open now until January 31, 2025.
Bruce Matthews Scholarship
This NCAA Funded Scholarship is dedicated to Mr.…